Redefine Possibility

I had the honour and priviledge of attending a Me to We event at the University of Guelph with my dear friend Meghan Kirwin last night. Meghan invited myself and my 8 year old son to sit at her table with her family. This family embodies grace and gratitude so that alone made it a great night. But alas, this isn’t a love fest for my friend but a little message to share some of Spencer West’s message with you.

Spencer West was our keynote speaker. A charming man, with the biggest smile, he mesmerized the audience as he described his journey from losing his legs from the pelvis down at the age of five to last year, when he climbed, and summited, Mount Kilimanjaro using his hands and wheelchair. His message was about Redefining Possible. Reminding us all, whether leaders, students or young children, that it is incumbent upon us to remember to never be afraid to ask for help, to not let perceived limitations hold us back and to do what you’re most passionate about.

Thank you Spencer, for I was humbled and inspired by you.